Daniel Wood walks us through uploading Office files to an online hosting service and then using the free online Office viewer to preview the document right in FileMaker. He mentions a couple of options and the pros and cons of each. Definitely worth exploring.
Unlike images, video files, audio files, and PDF files, we cannot directly view [Microsoft Office] file formats within container fields. Developers tend to resort to exporting the files to disk and auto-opening them locally on the users machine. This however requires that the user have a copy of Microsoft Word, Office, or PowerPoint installed in order to view the file they wish to see. This is not always the case. In this article we're going to show how you can add Excel, Word or PowerPoint document viewing to any existing FileMaker solution in about 10 minutes, the setup couldn't be simpler!
URL https://www.teamdf.com/blogs/easily-view-microsoft-office-files-in-filemaker/